Wednesday, March 17, 2021


An interesting snippet from a Book called: INDIA POSITIVE CITIZEN: Building a great Nation, one India Positive action at a time

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Hello Folks,

Just a while back I was watching this video on what makes you happy...the gist is as follows

Interesting study on "what makes you happy?". The "happy junction" blog I have been stressing upon, is more or less close to the study of Dr. Robert Waldinger. But many call me or my views as "emotional" and philosophical. Sometimes I was carried-away with such criticism. But felt happy after viewing this video - TED talk by Robert Waldinger. The following most important factors that makes everyone happy are...

1. Having good connections in the society
2. Having a quality of close relationships around us
3. Good relationships protects not just body but also brain. This implies, a very happy individual who enjoys a good relationships, also maintains a good health, therefore he holds strong memory than people who deprived relationships


Happy Reading and Happy times ahead


Ravi Kiran

Thursday, October 8, 2015



Hi folks, good to connect with you again. After the smartphone revolution, there is a lot of evolution in our communication process, definitely there is a change the way we connect with community. Completely a new transition for sure. There were days where we used to say “can you SMS me your…”, now please “waatsap me your….”

In fact, mobile has taken over our mobility and made us as “Inability” infants. Because of our Inability to meet our friends, Inability to meet our relatives, to connect with the banks, to connect street groceries, to say hello to neighbors, to say hello grandpas, grandmas; surprisingly we also started offering Aarti, lighting of lamps and candle lighting to our Gods and goddesses through mobile.

Now, thanks to WhatsApp (other message platforms) which is connecting the world through WiFi (2, 3,4Gs) and now slowly it is making an attempt to replace the Wifeee’;) WhatsApp is also helping in reducing the bandwidth of Husbands too. The speed of connecting and disconnecting boyfriend-girlfriend relations are too scary ;). I remember my mother asking repeatedly whether I am hungry or not looking at my face, but today most of mothers has to see their children facebook's wall posts about their children's appetite   
When I started using these apps like you (not you), like any other person ;), I have realized the reason behind this constant use of apps has new set-up (culture) called Waatsup instead of Catchup :)  with smiles, Namaskaars, winks, blushing, confused, surprised, claps, love and broken heart, punch etc are something which constantly pressing in our minds & hands. We use these emoticons so much on day-to-day, when we see same person suddenly, our actual emotions are underplaying due to these emotions. In other words, the receiver perceives us as personality of less emotions or no emotions; which is again a disastrous conclusions. For human being to survive and sustain, these emotions play a very major role not just from the professional perspectives but also mostly into their personal spaces. Of course, I might scoreless in this argument but definitely has a possibility of hindrances at later point of time.

I think there is a need to develop new ways and technologies that increase actual human contact and physical communication? Few days back I was in a function and saw 50 faces buried into small glowing screens instead of talking, smiling and interconnecting. Thanks to smartphone apps, how we communicate and express emotion might be faster and to a wider audience today, but it's also simultaneously disconnecting us just as fast with our fellow humans. 

No longer are we catching up for coffee and laughs, caroms for tea-break etc. WhatsApps, FBs, Twitters are bringing us closer but as humans, we are running far from the personal touch with bunch of people in this small world called you and me 

I am sure, time will have an answer to it…at the moment enjoy with Emoji and be happy ji. Do write your emos while having MoMos….Happy Times ahead :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Happy Teachers' Day

Happy Teachers' Day
Coming Soon on Adoption...

Every year whenever calendar shows "September 5" as teachers' day, it gives me a sense of satisfaction that I am a foster-son of Prof S C Sarma /Sita Sarma).  This particular post is dedicated to both Sarma & Sarma; I may be breathing because of my bio-parents, but if am living/experiencing the life it certainly because of Sarmas. Both of them have made a significant impact among the students, their next generations and many who associated with them.

It reminds me a statement made by Chairman of NCERT during an event at Delhi, especially after Father's speech & his felicitation; "Prof Sarma, you are a son of Saraswati", my father has replied with a wit by saying "Dr Rajasekharan Pillai ji, I am not sure, whether  am I Saraswati putra or not, but certainly not Lakshmi Putra", the complete auditorium was spellbound and applauded for his contribution to teacher education

Will miss them ever, especially when there is a vacuum of affection (edited Jan 14,2020)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Echo of Happiness

Just listen to this music: while you read this blog

Nothingness is the Echo of Happiness

Hello folks,

New Year greetings to you and your family members!

The other day I have heard a voice called “you are not my happiness” which has been echoing for a very long time and continuing to do so. I tried to ignore but it has been gone deeply into me. For the reasons unknown, my situations compiled me to feel like dejected, Lot of vacuum in it, unfulfilled and not so clear. I know it is just a frame of mind and body of emotions, nothing else! Probably these are the echo of the emergence of material existence which occurred to man (woman) fourteen billion years ago, and the roadmap to its ultimate destination is nothingness

However educated we are, whatever exposure we get, however devoted we are, however spiritual we are, the ultimate destination is to derive happiness out of our own actions. Where this happiness does sit? When thinking went beyond my tears, I realized it occupies at the helm of Nothingness. Now the question stuck to me to know more about Nothingness. In the process of knowing the beauty of nothingness, I also happened to understand the something-ness.

After glancing through the concept of Nothingness, it is just infinite and some-thingness is finite. For example, take numbers from 1-9, it has finite values on its own and whereas ZERO has no value (nothing). But it is nothingness which makes a number into an infinite number. i.e (99+1 = 100, 999+1=1000 etc). The most incredible thing in mathematics is the zero, and this did not come by accident. It is from a certain realization. When people looked inward and fell into the void of nothingness, the zero was born.

Similarly, the finite characters like love, affection, care, intimacy have always seen with a distinct eye. Eye of physicality, eye of economics; these “eyes” ingrained in our minds. Whereas mind is always accumulative, accumulative of knowledge, accumulation of people etc, and accumulation of unfulfilled desires. It means if my mind has some vacuum in it or aspires for more, it desires for those finite love, affection, money etc., If I empty it without any numbers but just keep adding zeros (nothing about it), then it is just an echo of happiness around us.

To the best of my understanding, nothingness can be achieved only if I add zero to my physical desires (even if I counter / encounter or no counter with it) and add value of zero to the accumulative wealth irrespective of priorities. When you practice the Nothingness, then only emptiness arises, Grace descends upon you. Without Grace, no one really gets anywhere. If you need to experience Grace, your somethingness has to become totally empty. Happiness evolves organically

Yours - Ravi Kiran

Friday, May 23, 2014



If this moment is inevitable, why do we keep visiting past?

If this moment is inevitable, why do we predict the future
Hence, it’s always better to invite the happiness at this moment.

Don’t carry baggage of thoughts. Certain moments we spent with our loved ones acts like energy inductors. 

Please revisit. I know It’s inevitable for you too

Monday, February 10, 2014


Philosophy of Dearness

When I coined the term “Philosophy of Dearness” and wanted to check if there is something already on the social spectrum. Interestingly the google was suggesting “Philosophy of Darkness”. This gave me a lot of inquisitiveness to write about it and its relevance to dearness and there by its relevance to Happiness

The whole cosmos has born out of darkness. Practically speaking, we never had an opportunity to experience the real darkness in our day-to-day lives. When power is off, the candle light (or UPS) gives us the direction. Parents show the light of path to children by taking loads of responsibility. Father books a Tatkal ticket to his daughter; mother stores extra pocket money in kitchen for her son. Boy friend takes more care of his girl than himself; Teacher preaches more about life skills of his students than his children.

When I look upon above these above acts, there is one common thread that keeps all intact is – Dearness. Because of our dearness to someone, we tend it takeout the darkness from the situation. I firmly believe no one can remove darkness in our lives, because it’s natural and purest form. But one can bring the light through various acts in ones’ life.

Relationships give more emphasis on Dearness. Sometimes it’s difficult to gage its connection with an individual. But the common cord of dearness that plays a soothing music between.  

When I was pursuing my PhD, it was full of darkness. Applied and got rejected without knowing the reasons. Again applied and got its acceptance due to dearness. After its manifold directions, I could complete the PhD. The only factor that made me to complete the task was…my dearness to darkness. My special thanks to SCSVMV University, FICCI & my association with corporate India and for their guidance in dark.

Darkness creates manifold of happiness. It’s just in the room of dearness. Access it

Happy Reading

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Politics of Happiness

Dear Folks,

Though I haven’t penned my thoughts on happiness in the year 2013, but want to fill the gap of these 12 months with one write-up on Politics of Happiness!

2013 was somehow for me an acuminous year with lot of vacuum in it. Started thinking in a mystic way; especially after attending 3 day workshop of Sadhguru. Had some sleepless nights at hospitals and some oversleeping days during weekends due to family hiccups. In fact I was placed like a flying kite till May 14, 2013 and suddenly the God-fall (windfall) has taken away the thread that was holding kite with love, affection and affirmative vibes. Surprisingly, the kite is still on and busy with its professional and personal antics.

This reminds me that nothing stops you and me, the time shows us a way and answers to all the queries we have. What I have learned from the demise of my mother is to accept the fact. The fact is that our lives are straight-line with lots curves in it; straight-line has a beginning and ending with a constant called happiness. Search the happiness which is within you.

Being a constant observer of politics among various dimensions like – political politics, family politics, and organization politics and so on; this idea takes me a cue to write on this. My childhood stint at Vizianagaram reminds me about those women who used finish their work much before sun touches his own mother land. They used to sit on “Arugu” (modern name called - balconies of their home) and watch what’s happening around them. Some give advises; some poke into lives of neighbor to make their life nightmare etc. if you observe all they derive is happiness out of wellbeing (not wellbeing too).

Similarly my stint as student, I observe similar scenarios in breeding happiness out of my peers’ wellbeing (not wellbeing too); in both aforesaid scenarios, either of the parties captures the happiness.

Coming to most important life, being working in an office environment and generate fun out of colleagues. Here I differ the outcome of happiness from the above two examples; the above two examples are more part of human eco system. Where as in a professional environment it appears to be saving one’s own cushion by throwing thorns at others seat. It is also called as Politics of Happiness! Don’t we/our peers / our managers stalk our happiness without politics? The answer could be - we brew happiness based on prejudice, self assessment/ fabrication of issues / interest / protection our jobs (work/assignment etc). I may have to rethink/accept that – the happiness is completely depending upon the external & internal environments where we govern our activities. 

For example, I was surprised (J) to see AAP which was dead against Congress rule in Delhi and so as BJP elsewhere. Where and how AAP’s happiness has brewed to make congress happy (or Delhi Happy) need to observe with pinch of salt. But watching these elections or above stated examples are politics of Happiness. It has become a learning place for many :)  

Is Politics an ingredient of our Happiness? J, just leave your comments with Happiness

Happy New Year and God bless with lots Happiness, Good Health, Wealth and Welfare to all mankind 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Going that extra mile is a happy mile

Going that extra mile is a happy mile…

Hello my dear happy bloggers and blog readers! Its being a very long time since I inked my ideas at Happy Junction. Happy 2012…
For last few days…I have been virtually on cycle (motor) and breaking at various places with in the city and at times out of the city. The purposes are many, some for good and some for bad. These purposes are predominately on personal end….here you go and ask my self “why this “Kolavari di?”
The answer for above question…the answer was echoing me as ‘cycle’; again I asked for myself, its again echoing as same synonym “wheel”…again I tried and this time it was echoing as “ball”; its was surprising for me too! As usual got little deep into these answers…
  • Technically our mother earth it self is like a ball and works like cycle (clock time, seasons etc) and of course with little variations
  • During parenting times we roll on with kids and live with permutation and combinations of Yes, No to make them happy and grow healthy.
  • When we roll on with our work …which one to prioritize between personal and professional, between activity to activity and at times among bundle of issues.
More importantly when we meet people and their ideologies, it’s again rolling our minds for which one to accept and which one to deny. At times we are the benefactors of these subject matters and at times we do use tissues to solve these issues. For example, relative of mine badly needed my support to have passport on tatkal. There were some major discrepancies which gave me some kind of speed breakers till the final submission and acceptance by passport office. If I do there could be one issue, if I don’t do…another tissue. But going that one extra mile of finishing the task gave me a sense of happiness.
Unfortunately this morning I attended a death ceremony and found people around that person bargaining with an ambulance driver for about few rupees to pay. Interestingly the person who bargained didn’t even paid single penny for anything. But still his (most of us too) ideas and ideologies run around that. Can’t we go that extra mile to give happiness to driver of the last journey? Can’t we go that extra mile to give happiness to our customers? Can’t we go that extra mile to give a smile to your friends, colleagues, relatives and companies that we associate…? Are we scared of the quantum of extra mile??? that extra mile.

I always tried doing cycling for that extra mile with lot of constructive and destructive criticism, as I said; I am a benefactor and most of the times I am not. But in both the scenarios…I am a very happy soul...
God Bless and lets meet-up soon with your comments...