Saturday, April 19, 2008



This reminds me when my father leaves to New Delhi by Train to attend a conference, immediately my mother will start burning the flame in kitchen to cook nice chutney powder for sister (B-in-Law too) and some sweet dishes for my nephew. Interesting thing is before burning the flame; there will be a HOT discussion about ‘who will carry all this… going to a conference not for partying’?; She will be silent and will call driver and requesting him to put the packets directly in Train and send a message to daughter that packets are below in Seat No: 45, 2A Coach, please come and collect it.

Now All are Happy!!!

Coming back to our question

Burden – is not at all a burden when you want to make others happy. Simple analogy...when you like somebody, you may tend to do little extra offerings to whom you like, which may be in your office or at home (some times you spend money / time too) . It is because… you have tuned your mind before you start offering the same; the moment you tune your action, it will turn to sense of happiness in your mind. Physically you may have exhausted by then, but you would have had great sense of relaxation.

Life is like a Journey….start loving every station you see….you may not feel tired, finally you may reach destination with more relaxed manner

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Makes You Happy

This question was suddenly stuck when my friend who is an investment strategist in Chennai suddenly threw in air “WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY??? It took hell lot of time for me to think but could not reply back with an answer. Still thinking…..I knew you may also started thinking really what makes happy to us or anybody for that matter!!!
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY When I speak to my parents…I start conversation with HOW ARE YOU???, answer is FINE without any FINE. But as my bill goes up….end up in paying Rs. 60 - 80 per call. All that I do is keep saying DON’T WORRY. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES THEM HAPPY….. When I speak to my sister…. I start conversation with HOW ARE YOU???, answer is ALL WELL, but I realize after few minutes of talk…she is really in well with some problem!!!!, all I say is DON’T WORRY. GOD is there to pull-up. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY…. When I speak to colleague…. The moment step-in….I ask ‘HOW ARE YOU’, answer is I AM FINE, but I knew she just paid FINE to police station because of Husbands rash driving. Might be because of that, that month she may have to sacrifice something from her personal end. All I say is DON’T WORRY. GOD is there to help. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY…. The other day…my other colleague has given an article on “LAW OF THE GARBAGE TRUCK” by David J Pollay, the essence of the article is “When somebody says something….just leave it, if it’s GOOD, keep with you, if its BAD, let the Garbage trucks pass you by”. The bottom line of giving this article I knew….but the question was “IF the Garbage Trucks keep following me, how long can bare the smell”. Don’t I need support of somebody??? question come into my mind is WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY The list goes on like this….ends with DON’T WORRY!!!
Don't Worry, Power of GOOD is always protects you.... So Be GOOD!