Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Change is Happy :)

Just few days back there was an Ad on TV… saying “CHANGE is Healthy”, before that I was on shopping spree and happened pick-up a book, the book seller was asking for a CHANGE; after emptying my purse, I could put the book in my basket. Not only ad campaigners, book sellers, bus conductors, also serious management thinkers and practitioners like Jack Welch, also talks about CHANGE. Then it occured what is CHANGE all about…
When I had been to reception lounge…happened to see desktop wallpaper on same theme. It says “if you are not the wave of Change….you will find yourself beneath it” After some thinking... I could conclude that change is Happy – now yow questions pops-up in you mind is ‘HOW’.
When baby born…mother’s milk gives happiness to baby, same baby after one year, the dolls gives happiness, after sometime…same aged friends gives happiness, then Job(s) gives happiness (?); go little forward….spouse gives happiness, again it starts with Baby’s happiness. This is a vicious circle kind of. If you observe…the objects are ‘milk, dolls, friends, job, spouse, and baby’ – but constantly it is CHANGING.
For me, the CHANGE is…
C – Care
H – Humble
A – Affordability
N – Natural
G – Genuine
E – Efficient
Life is like an Ocean, in that every tide we see is not as same as the earlier one. Similar way every problem we look into is not same as other. But we always explode to others saying ‘you don’t understand my problem’ - it means ‘Change has become a Constant here’
Again – HOW?
The wave that touches your feet must have passed through a series of travails facing barriers and blocks to eventuate at your feet to impart a cool touch of happiness.It means…if anybody is coming with problem to you… (Because they already passed so many hurdles and coming to you). You just need to change them with Care, Humanity, Affection, Natural, Genuine and Effective way this method may bring CHANGE not only the person came to you, also brings Change in YOU. That will give you happiness. This may not give synthetic happiness but complete chilled happiness.

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