Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hi Folks

Namashkaar! Namaskaram! Namashkaara! & Vanakkam

Busyness and Business go along with us to escape from the creative works that we would like to do. Take little time from both activities of Busyness & Business to make others happy. I try to make others happy, but invariably miss my Ms. Happiness.

Today morning interesting message was flashing in my inbox was "No one is born happy. But all of us are born with ability to create today, make others happy, flash sweetest smile:)"

I believe the happiness is in us and outside. But both are Inter-dependently operated in every nanosecond in our lives; in fact it is more fluctuating than the ECG...just for example, I am very happy while… I buy something for my family folks, at the same time, feels pain for not able to buy for my other close friend(s) or someone whom I am close to...doesn't react to my feelings.. It means your happiness quotient has to skew either sides of positive or negative. I am not happy, I am happy are only objective replies. I reply saying am Happy, may be not. I do reply saying I am not happy, but inside celebrating. Happiness has multifaceted ability. Create the Happiness (from the above msg), but don't consume....because it was never meant for you...just like open happiness in coke ad…; but virtually you open your valet but not happiness J

Wish you a very happy and wonderful New year to all my folks, with whom I associated in my every hours of life / days’ life / years’ life. With out you…my thoughts can not be inked (wavering thoughts to wao thoughts). Will meet in our daily walks of life with lot more surprises and happiness soon in the year 2011.

Happy New Year and Happy Years ahead!

Yours Ravi Kiran

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

economics of Happiness

Fear fractures the Economics of Happiness…

Hello my dear bloggers and readers…

Due to fear of thoughts, all these days were fractured with no write-up of mine. But today when I was driving a car of 1850s (Tata Indica) along with 70 year old mother who always thinks as 17 and 40 year old brother who reflects his image in mirror as 80. Of course I am confused to say about my age since I may sail in both directions. My mother & Bro have to go to Vijayawada to wind-up certain financial commitments. As always we try to catch-up things last moment, booked a rail ticket in 2nd class where computer mahasay has given two upper-berths but not AC/lower berths(Thanks to Mamata Banarjee’s idea of 2 day b4 Tatkal), we wasted already one day due to India-Srilanka saga of cricket. Finally got confirmed ticket, interesting thing is that confirmation is for IRCTC but not to a passenger (my Bro). He has been coining the ideas of skipping the train travel to Road (by car). Whereas Google Maps were showing PoK / PAK floods submerged in Indian floods, due to this, the idea was dropped.

After got into train, mother says find-out a young person who has confirmed lower-berth ticket. Before I start working on her instruction, my little servant-maid (boy) already downloaded lower-berth occupant girls’ list. Alas, meanwhile, my bro was scratching his head ‘how to place my mother on middle birth’? I started requesting few fellow passengers; surprisingly I had competition here too. A lady was competing to get her cake first. In the process, I happened talk to few young guys (could be in their 30s), despite of my request, none could extend their hand. Their rejection made me to think about my close friend, who sees an opportunity to get-up and offer a seat when oldies travel; baby mothers who struggle to reach their destination (love you friend for your pro-activeness).

This is where; my mind & heart started talking each-other again. If I think about bro who is very caring but failed to understand the economics of happiness. He was keen to get down from the train after it shows green signal (after arrangements made at town). He is too shy to ask somebody who can offer a lower birth; the other guys think that their journey of lower-birth is forever. This could be because of fear. Don’t you think so…?

In first case, brother has a fear that he & mom has to struggle to reach the destination (my argument was driving car when inflation was high is not good signal), those uncooperative guys has a fear of sleep disturbance. In between the sandwiched mother has fear where she has to get-down from the middle-birth (if need arises). Even my friend who is proactive in offering her seat others also has a fear, where her fellow-passenger will struggle.

But finally my mother reached safely despite of all the fears. If we have to bring the happiness in our lives, we have to struggle for short time (I cannot measure); be it in journey of rail travel, journey of life travel. But conditions apply…that is the Economics of Happiness has to go hand in hand with extending hands.

Economics of Happiness works very similar to our regular economics. In regular one, it is more emphasized on supply & demand of goods & services with constant called Paisa. In case of economics of happiness, it is the supply & demand of emotions. It is more important than the other but has to depend upon constant called Paisa.
Good Times

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shelter shelters happiness

Dear Folks,

Good times!

Thank you for visiting my blog after a long time. I feel it’s difficult to pen-down our thoughts when we don’t find a perfect shelter. I strongly believe that the Shelter shelters happiness. If we have a good shelter, thoughts rejuvenates in to action.

Few weeks back I was driving down to my cousin’s place in Bangalore after finishing work in BIM Bangalore. When I kick started vehicle, the sky was blue, when I turned-down my petrol-knob to reserve, the sky turned to black and ready to hug with its cool-breeze and shower to roadies. Suddenly I realized I am not alone; with me there were few books and cloths also travelling. Hence I could not venture to get drenched. I was desperately looking for a shelter to cover my books at least. From a stones-throw away distance, I could see a lower-bridge and rushed there with my friends (Scooty n Books). Thanks to Bangalore Mahanagar Palike, who is the reason for such a fantastic ideas having lower bridges across ring-roads. I stopped at the lower bridge and waiting for the rain to stop. Even though it was raining, I could see some take the liberty of getting drenched, especially youngsters and couples. But I am happy, my books were safe. Now, my mind pouring the question called, what is this shelter and how it shelters happiness?

I am sure, you are also thinking how…

Just rewind the situation, if you observe, the shelter is not exactly the reason for Ravi’s happiness, but the ‘books are in safe’ feeling made him happy and fortunately ‘shelter called – lower bridge’ was part of his happiness. Confused??

Let me take you in different route, having sheltered at lower bridge, if his belongings get wet and damaged, happiness quotient would have been negative. It means shelter should shelter your needs and desires. Out of my curiosity I referred the meaning of shelter it implies

From the above synonyms, it’s not only protecting but also make you feel like heaven (happy). The connection between shelters versus happiness reminds me way back in 1997, where my nephew born and he was travelling like a NEWS covering apna bharath (Delhi – Kashmir – Calcutta - Visakhapatnam – Vijayawada – Bombay – New back to Delhi), just after few minutes of returning to home (Delhi), he had taken a long breath and gave a cute smile. (Note: all this happened when he was day’s baby and most of the time he was sleeping), observing this, I was astonished how an infant baby can give importance to his own shelter. I am sure; you all may have experienced similar feeling no matter whether you are returning from work or from elsewhere.

Just think little deep into it, our body, mind and heart (feelings) are connected to two kinds of shelters. One is emotional shelter and other is empirical shelter. To give more clarity, emotional shelters are more independent in nature but invariably depend upon empirical shelter. For example, if you travel hundreds of miles to see your loved-ones (by Bus, Train, Auto and taking lift etc), if that person does not respond to your feelings, interests and desires, you will be completely turned-off…not because you have sheltered in an unreserved compartment, but your folks are reserved with you.

Another interesting observation, my sister calls home every day and chitchat with mother for a long time. For some reason if she doesn’t call, my mother starts looking at digital clock and keeps her ears at phone (ring) and works at kitchen. Following day, Amma’s idly becomes Iddiyappam shape, dosa develop into Chapati shape. Vice-versa situation at sister’s place too. Here both are sheltered in their own respective houses, but their mobile / telephone didn’t bridge emotional shelters. Another friend of mine, if he does not make a call / receive a call from his partner, he not only looks at his wrist-watch but also twists his head to dry

Our emotional shelters are superset of empirical shelters. If both start working, all our shelter shelters happiness. Happy shelters will make you heaven. Otherwise it just shatters.
Let me find my lost shelters meanwhile…happy reading! 

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Is Policies packs your happiness off???

Dear policy makers and policy marketers, good to meet you on different occasions. I and roommate always have a point of contention about the theme called policies and procedures. He believes P&P are not important; where as I stand on the other side. Where do you stand…?

Is it really important to have P&P? Does it have any impact on the growth of the organization OR on the individual? When I asked the same question, the audience poll is more interested to have Britannia 50:50.

Few months back I had a meeting with HR concern of India’s largest construction company regarding my research data survey (L&T). After appreciating about my endevours, the answer was “Ravi…we cannot consider your request since our policy does not allow / no provision to collect the information from employees”; similar answers are keeping popping-up in my inbox and phone calls.

In other occasion, I met an interesting company who does lot of surveys for global organizations, when they approached us for filling customer information survey for one sector, we could help to the maximum extent to finish the project. Surprisingly, when I approached same organization today, they have turned-down my request since policy does not permit to take the pie from it (E&Y). You might assume that I expressed out of biased feeling but definitely not. It is my own experience. It may not be true in other cases.

Polices &Procedures document is basically a navigator of organizations. But ironically it has become a CERTIFICATE OF FEAR & CERTIFICATE OF CONFUSION. We are fear of what happens if we follow, fear of consequences, fear of uncertainty and finally it is packing your happiness off from the individual to a large extent.

To my little knowledge and experience, I feel the policies and procedures are important but at the same time it needs flexibility in it. At macro level it required in protecting organization and at micro level it requires to support of individual.

Packing Happiness in our lives or packing off from us is decided by P&P???

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Loneliness locks happiness

Loneliness locks happiness
My dear blogger and blog readers…I am back with a new streak after a long time. It striked me after so many additions / deletions of various themes. Suddenly... I was feeling 'lonely' for quite some time…may be for the last few years. But if you see, I was not. I have a comp at home, music player in hand, room-mate at room…classmates at various intervals, family members, friends and well-wishers at various wishes. But still feels lonely. I was confused…one day I asked my friend, he/she inferred it as “it’s your mind-set”. I have tuned and trying to various frequencies to find out what is the loneliness all about. But I am not able to buy the statement “mind-set”. Do you???

Initially, I was thinking may be he / she is right, but suddenly one day, I was in a place where everything is available to eat, lots of people to talk, so many devises to engage and in fact I was operating all simultaneously. But still something I was missing. Then suddenly I remembered the so called ‘mind-set’…and laughed myself, though I was setting my mind to eat, talk and listen…but still something was bothering me. That gave me the answer…that I am alone. So went back and shared the same with my friend, again the same sound knocked to my ears. It is your mind-set.

I realized, often we use this word to compromise in our lives. But to the best of my opinion, it is not your mind-set; it is what your heart (feeling / concern(s)) consumes and what not. Our modern thinkers say do what your heart says…that gives you maximum satisfaction in life. But still we don’t, because you we are in a fear. Fear of ourselves, fear of others, fear of society, fear of job, and finally fear of survival. If you see all these are subjective. That is your state of mind. We are so subjective, that tunes our minds and turns off our hearts. In fact we have set our minds to the hook of fear and call it as reality. When we portray reality…the heart start feeling wish I could have done…

Thanks to this mechanical life, our mind machine overloaded with lots of commitments and responsibilities and heart hardly gets it share to express his/her wishes. Then we start feeling we are alone. That is when we get attack…on our heart(s) and say bye-bye to present state of mind.

In fact, today I had a very heated argument with my guys / gals here, there all are in mindset called reality, but reality is being tuned by your mind. You can change the way you wanted.

Dhirubhai Ambani gave birth to 3, one his heart called Reliance, two, his two sons called A&M Ambanis, A & M are the two different mind-sets, but reality is they did not leave their fathers’ one ambition. that is Make it larger than shareholders expectation (Reliance).

It is not Philosophy, but a psychological chemical. Mind and Heart both are required to Engage for a success of human being.