Saturday, January 30, 2010


Is Policies packs your happiness off???

Dear policy makers and policy marketers, good to meet you on different occasions. I and roommate always have a point of contention about the theme called policies and procedures. He believes P&P are not important; where as I stand on the other side. Where do you stand…?

Is it really important to have P&P? Does it have any impact on the growth of the organization OR on the individual? When I asked the same question, the audience poll is more interested to have Britannia 50:50.

Few months back I had a meeting with HR concern of India’s largest construction company regarding my research data survey (L&T). After appreciating about my endevours, the answer was “Ravi…we cannot consider your request since our policy does not allow / no provision to collect the information from employees”; similar answers are keeping popping-up in my inbox and phone calls.

In other occasion, I met an interesting company who does lot of surveys for global organizations, when they approached us for filling customer information survey for one sector, we could help to the maximum extent to finish the project. Surprisingly, when I approached same organization today, they have turned-down my request since policy does not permit to take the pie from it (E&Y). You might assume that I expressed out of biased feeling but definitely not. It is my own experience. It may not be true in other cases.

Polices &Procedures document is basically a navigator of organizations. But ironically it has become a CERTIFICATE OF FEAR & CERTIFICATE OF CONFUSION. We are fear of what happens if we follow, fear of consequences, fear of uncertainty and finally it is packing your happiness off from the individual to a large extent.

To my little knowledge and experience, I feel the policies and procedures are important but at the same time it needs flexibility in it. At macro level it required in protecting organization and at micro level it requires to support of individual.

Packing Happiness in our lives or packing off from us is decided by P&P???

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