Saturday, October 3, 2009

Teachers Day Happy Days

It was a pleasant morning on 5th September 2009, got up after I heard my neighbor’s cooker whistle. Immediately looked at my watch, it was around 7ish. I just keyed in my mobile with ‘Happy Teachers Day’ text and immediately sent to my father, I knew I may not get reply back,

felt bad but moved on to next contacts and keep sending to all my teaching fraternity. Surprisingly few contacts are neither my teachers nor into teaching, but felt like I should send and sent it. I know, you have a question here, why did I send to other than teachers??? My answer is, when we

born, not necessary that our parents are from academia. But still they taught (walk in life); whether we like or not, still learning from them. Siblings must have taught us fight with affection; move on to our friends, they must have taught how to live in this complicated and with multifarious (ferocious) society. When we started working, our colleagues must have taught how cope-up with them.

Interestingly, in my contacts, I have few contacts that are younger to me and few are children too. I sent the same message. Again you are wondering why I did. Sometime back when I was in close associate’s home, I was playing with his 2 year old son. Suddenly his ball slipped from his buddy hands and went below the cot. As usual, 24 month old baby made at least 240 attempts to reach below the bed for his ball. When he realized it is out of his reach, his pink cheeks got wet. In his attempts, we can learn his determination, in his cry, we can learn the need for that ball, and it is an alarm for us that baby required a support from us. It is learning for us; for everybody. Similarly, if somebody cries for you, it means they need you. It is better to address their tears rather avoiding them. One quick observation, the present generation kids always teach an elder, they call it as Generation Gap. We observing that for generations, we still don’t want to learn. Learning happens at every stage in our lives. In this life, we meet so many people and pupils. It is always fun to learn from the both. I am missing my School, College and PGP office. What I learnt is missing… Happy Learning…Happy Teachers day

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