Saturday, October 3, 2009

Teachers Day Happy Days

It was a pleasant morning on 5th September 2009, got up after I heard my neighbor’s cooker whistle. Immediately looked at my watch, it was around 7ish. I just keyed in my mobile with ‘Happy Teachers Day’ text and immediately sent to my father, I knew I may not get reply back,

felt bad but moved on to next contacts and keep sending to all my teaching fraternity. Surprisingly few contacts are neither my teachers nor into teaching, but felt like I should send and sent it. I know, you have a question here, why did I send to other than teachers??? My answer is, when we

born, not necessary that our parents are from academia. But still they taught (walk in life); whether we like or not, still learning from them. Siblings must have taught us fight with affection; move on to our friends, they must have taught how to live in this complicated and with multifarious (ferocious) society. When we started working, our colleagues must have taught how cope-up with them.

Interestingly, in my contacts, I have few contacts that are younger to me and few are children too. I sent the same message. Again you are wondering why I did. Sometime back when I was in close associate’s home, I was playing with his 2 year old son. Suddenly his ball slipped from his buddy hands and went below the cot. As usual, 24 month old baby made at least 240 attempts to reach below the bed for his ball. When he realized it is out of his reach, his pink cheeks got wet. In his attempts, we can learn his determination, in his cry, we can learn the need for that ball, and it is an alarm for us that baby required a support from us. It is learning for us; for everybody. Similarly, if somebody cries for you, it means they need you. It is better to address their tears rather avoiding them. One quick observation, the present generation kids always teach an elder, they call it as Generation Gap. We observing that for generations, we still don’t want to learn. Learning happens at every stage in our lives. In this life, we meet so many people and pupils. It is always fun to learn from the both. I am missing my School, College and PGP office. What I learnt is missing… Happy Learning…Happy Teachers day

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Banking with E
My dear happy folks, Few days back I was walking through a street and found so many banks in that street. Starting from Allahabad Bank to Yes Bank and almost all banks are on with customers. While stepping-out of the street, I was thinking what is there in Money. Of course it reminded me the barter system I studied, but I felt beyond transactions it has something in it.Again I withdraw the thought process, but surprisingly while I was doing every transaction, something in my mind was counting. Again I deposited my thoughts in it. But this time I started observing others while they do anything with Money.
I started observing my Mother…she wants to present a gift to her grandson on his first birthday and she took every possible step to understand various financial products and finally she zero downed to one with LIC children plan. The day she finished the task, she has great relief with happiness on her face. Similarly, few years back, on my nephew’s birthday, my sister paid few thousands as tip to a restaurant bearer; when I asked her why did you pay so much, her reply was “let him be happy once in a while, hardly people look at him”. Recently my colleague when to Singapore, there she bought something for me…when I asked her…why did you spend so much…her reply and the gift has

lot of interest in it. The other partner of mine, got up early morning around 4.00 and made wonderful sweet, when I asked…why did you spend so much of money and time, her reply relied on happiness of the people who ate. Recently I have received an imported pen drive cum MP3 player from my friend, he warned me before giving; kill you if you don’t use it for yourself. I could see his affection in it.
Few months back I was in five star hotel’s restroom where plasma TV was installed there and I was washing my face, the neighbor of mine was unable to perform his nature’s call duty due to sudden market crash on CNBC share bulletin, he was quite emotional and went away from the conference. From all the examples if you observe, everybody has transacted with some or the other. In order to transact, I am sure, they would have used Cheque/Debit/Credit/epay/ net banking etc what not to withdraw the money for those transactions. When I transact for my loved ones…I feel more than delighted. Can you guess why do we do / are doing?
To the best of my fixed deposits (knowledge), for every transaction, we closely associate with eBank. With this eBank, whatever cash balance you have in your account, whatever difficulties you have, still you will manage to transact. You really don’t bother immediate or any returns from it. Because in this bank you must deposited lifelong money called Emotions and guarantee called heartfelt relations. Without these emotions we may not live and leave.
Now won’t you agree why SBI / ICICI / Axis Bank are India’s largest banks…because they have lot of emotional accounts of individuals and corporates?
Everything is there in MONeY, but MONeY is not Everything
Banking with Emotions, Happy Emotions

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brewing Happiness

Brewing Happiness through Brands
Hello Everybody, Being summer, somehow I wasn’t able to sleep since long, here in Chennai. Last year, I was sleeping till I heard the breakfast bell in my guesthouse at Bangalore. Wish the same luxury bolts in again…today got up early and went to the rest room with Oral-B brush, Himalaya toothpaste and came-out after a shower with new Himalaya anti-dandruff shampoo with Cinthol lime soap bath. Searching for a Cycle Agarbathi to say good morning to God and lighting the lamp with Uddayam Oil. Looking for Britannia bread with mother’s recipe pickle, hurly burly ironing the blue stripes The Cottons shirt; namke vaste polishing the woodland shoes and locking the room with Godrej keys….and drive Hero Honda via Women's Christian College to FICCI office and have lunch at Taj Connemera after the seminar. Come back to room and login in my Dell desktop; play Sony Music and have Nestle Curd with Basmathi Rice. In between engaging with my Sony Erickson mobile and express my voices with all my loved ones. This is my routine in a day.
This afternoon while I was in Pothy’s signal...what these names are and why are we so attached to these names starting from Bangalore to loved ones via Sony…
My experience and education says its' called Brand, my heart says something else. I mean if you apply the reverse gear and keep going to my bold and italic words, Bangalore brewed my thought process and the way I look at the things especially in my second stint with more fun in previous stint. Himalaya protected me in bad mouthing, Cinthol allowed me to stand next to you confidently. Blue striped Cotton shirt gave me a better look. Woodland walked through every hinterland without hurting me. Hero Honda despite of its age never stopped me from my punctuality; thanks to WCC and guys for showing me all the possible shortcuts to reach my office. Thanks to FICCI before I getup from the bed, you are in to leading the Nation Northwards. The activity list goes on….and on…finally thanks to my Sony Erickson for being with me in connecting my loved ones despite of my long innings of discussions. Thanks to Good night from the bloody bites. Finally thanking God for being with me (us) in exploring and experimenting. Hmmm…forgot to mention, my Titan watch….thanks for being with me in my tough times and giving breathing time.
If you count on each activity, it is a promise but not a brand. It’s just a promise experienced by you your neighbours, your loved ones. Cannot believe na??
From the above list, the promise is being brewed by my loved ones. Bangalore promised me a better and happy living due to my parents. Himalaya gave me coolness and made me ‘be cool’ due to my sister who suggested me to use. The Cotton shirt that was gifted to me whom I adore larger than life. The Pen I ink it from staples is from my navigator who ad colours to my life. Hero Honda was given by my close associate who directs me often. WCC showed by the Chennaites who smiled at me when I was in hurry to reach office. FICCI is my employer who currently furnishing me all the above ones.
Now don’t you feel it’s a promise brewed by your loved ones and we named it as Brand. To brew the brand, you don’t need brand ambassadors or advertisements; you need a relationship and those relationships that make you happy eternally through these names. Brew your promises and fulfill it. Brew the Relationship, Brands brew your happiness. Just Do it…

Sunday, April 26, 2009


CDs:Compatible Dear
Hi Folks,Happy Blogging! Finally my blog has 100 plus hits on happiness.
Hope this summer summarizing all your trips with your family members, but this time my luck didn’t smile at me when I want to meet my intimate on her birthday. The trip was called off due to a sudden regional turmoil of politics.
Few days back, I and my friend logged into a home-appliance showroom to buy a video player. While observing so many brands with confusing tags, my friend picked-up one stylish and a trendy player. As Indian typical customer, we asked the store guy to check the product. The store manager with lots of enthusiasm, happiness on his face made us more curious to hear / see the output of the player. But it was not for a long time, store guy making his best efforts in playing that trendy player, plugged in all the necessary cables, inserted compact disk….every damn possible thing he made. My friend being a software coax, he keyed all possible ways. But all his efforts went in vain. Before we shifted to another brand, I just wanted to make a last attempt to see what could be the reason; we requested the store guy to change the Compact Disk. Hope started beating on us, trust me…it’s a perfect match between the Trendy and Tidy Disk. Finally we just laughed and billed the same.
Still wondering where went wrong…is the player? or influenced by the player (CD, speakers, screen etc).
Few days back I had been to my relatives' place where I met her after a long time. If I recollect my meeting with her was close to 4-5 years back where she was very calm and living in a reclusive atmosphere. I could make-out there could be 4 to 5 hundred problems knocking at her every day. Assuming that, I was reserved till I knock the door. But the moment, I stepped into their place, believe me, the warmness has coolness in her reception along with her spouse and a kutty Dog. I must say, now she has 4-5 thousand elephants’ strength and smiley faces around her. After spending a good time with the rejuvenate’ couple who track our tradition and customs with love and affection, I re-energized myself to drive down in a traffic ridden area to reach my room.
Thanking God for bringing her smile back. But again one question that stocked in my mind was reasons behind her (our) smile, added to the above Trendy scene which amused me to think further down. How a changed compact Disk can make my friend happy, how a changed spouse can add more glory to her life.
The uncompromised answer is…in our compact lives, the compatibility is something very very important.
Let’s think for a while, if I wouldn’t suggest my friend to change the CD, probably he would have compromised to buy a brand which would have had a toll (loss) on him. Of course, by telling this to God, we would have adjusted with the same for some more time. Similarly, my relative too with more pain and grief till her last breath.
You may also argue that it’s not possible without compromising and adjusting….days can not move in smooth. I totally agree, the same compromise and adjustments has to be a part of compatibility but not act as a force / direct the compatibility of 'two individuals' / among ourselves / or even two products like I mentioned in the above. If it forces you to do against your will, you are adjusting out of fear. You are compromising out of inability or helpless situations.
Life is all about being happy, you have every liberty, right to change the way you wanted to. Let’s not suppress ourselves, our emotions and lives with Adjustments and Compromises buttons. This is precisely we do by looking at the so called society. (We are living with the society and not for society) PRESS THE COMPATIBILITY BUTTON…and CONTINUE TO BE HAPPY.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Liking links to Happiness

Hello Folks, Hope this blog brings you in good health and Cheers! It’s being a long time since I inked my thoughts on my liking – What Makes you Happi In my previous blog, my likings were touched upon Smile. My argument was, the base for Happiness is Smile. After my repeated internal deliberations, I was being persuaded myself that the base for Happiness is not only Smile, but also Liking. Generally Liking will take ways in two directions. One towards living entities like human beings and animals etc, other towards Non living entities which have value in nature, which are independently dependent, dependently independent.
To put it in simple analogy, we see ourselves in mirror and we smile (frequently / occasionally), the nonliving entity called mirror which directs you towards smile and it suggests you to look better than the existing condition. Similarly, you like Music; you may switch on your iPod to hear that music. Your iPod is an item you had purchased because you like to hear from it. Here likeness factor played a primary role on iPod than hearing the music, but both are very important to make you Happy.
Few months back, with holding breath I was with my mother in Saree Shope (doing shopping with women/ girls are…you know better); when I suggested few dress materials for my family members, you should see her, the Happiness Quotient is very high. Her reply is ‘Ravi…you like to give them (her), I love to give the best…to make you Happy and everybody Happy. In this case, liking towards a person made her to choose the best dress material (which is an act). Buying for your loved ones is something you may like to do again and again…I just enjoy in going out to buy for my loved ones. credit card sellers and buyers – be careful :).
So…start liking your surrounding environment, people, animals and things around you…so that exchange of smiles will travel to make happier world…your likings (comments) at