Friday, October 3, 2008


Smile Smells Happiness

I am happy to note that my previous views on ‘Tears’ has got some interesting feedback from my friends and well-wishers. My friend Charan in fact liked it very much and forwarded the blog to my class-mates. I received mails from the mates who sends once in a blue-moon too. The responses were quite encouraging and when I was reading those…just smiled myself.

Then suddenly I asked my self what is this Smile…all about? Simple answer is any one guess is….its just an expression of happiness. But interesting thing is unless you smile…nobody makes out that you are happy???

If you observe above picture, it’s a cyclic effect; it means it’s different but not different. Confusion again… Let me put in plain words…
Few weeks back…my team went to meet one of eminent and a loving professor in Bangalore hospital. He was under critical observation. In fact when my team went and wished him on teachers’ day initially, professor did not have strength to lift his hand and say Happy Teachers day, he looked into the eyes of my friend, instead of saying HT, he looked into the eyes of my friend…and smiled!!!
Casually when I made a call to her, as usual…girls (women) keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep on…………but told one thing, which made me to write about the smile today. i.e “Ravi….saw his smile, but at one minute smile has millions of meanings in it. That smile conveys…that we went and wished him on teacher’s day!!!That smile conveys…a humble acknowledgement to us (thanks). That smile coincides…with his family members’ cheer!That smile commands…he will be back with courage…but unfortunately the smile was there for a very short period. Professor left this world with his memories :( When she was telling…I just couldn’t make-out that smile has such a power. Being in selfish environment, we only see a smile which has mean in it but not meaning in it.
It has a power of understanding,
It assures you that I am there for you,
It encourages that everything will be good.
Smile even express discomfort in a conditioned environment.
Smile warns you sometimes....cautions you sometimes... Smile expels the fear of loneliness. Smile spells out the cheers in sobered person...

It gives a sense of belongingness around you

It spreads a sense of comfort surrounding you... Smile surrenders to serve humanity.

This could be a main reason why my brother / father always says…Ravi smile…smile…smile, because it gives….Energy, Encouragement and Enthusiasm, if all Es there, SmilE has to be in your heart. I am sure; you all may agree that Smile covets for happiness
So be with smile, understand the smile, it autometically comes in you, that becomes natural smile, which gives more strength to you and around you....Happy smiling...

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Tears…Tangles to Happiness? Good Times! Its being a long time since I inked my happiness in it? This time when I was thinking about what to write in our “whatmakesyouhappi” blog…suddenly few drops fell on my pillow...then I realized it was my tears who dares to drop in.
I am sure…even for you would have similar situation in your lives??? Difficult to pen-down the reasons but why these tears come…that’s the question bothering me at times. Sometimes I myself ask whether tears are important or not? Then the undoubted answer is, YES, its Important. Then your question is HOW and WHY?
The other day, I was having food in a restaurant and where I got the answer for the above question. I ordered menu of my choice and had good feast too. I was alone and suddenly my tears dropped and I could taste it. Obviously it’s salty (that’s GOD’s beauty). If I could fit this into our lives, FOOD is made out of different ingredients but one SALT is very important in that entire bunch of ingredients. If we don’t add proportionally, that day you’re on diet. If it’s perfect, your tummy will be tight (This answers importance of tears)
We come across babies carying in cinema halls,Restaurants, while going to schools, especially in huge marriage gatherings etc. Generally these tears come when your emotional equations are not relatively matching or yet times matching with relatively high accuracy.
In economic terms, it’s a battle between satisfying your Wants & Need.
Scenario 1: WANT = NEED NO Tears Scenario 2: WANT exceeds in satisfying your NEED Tears will fall with over joy Scenario 3: WANT does not satisfy your NEED Tears will fall with unhappiness It may sound you the above equation very philosophical, but it has its meaning in it Fundamentally we all struggle only to make sure the above equation park either at scenario-1 or 2. But due to life congestion we forcibly park at 3 and watch at 1&2.
There were instances where I was taking bath along with my tears, but once I asked my inmate, she told…“let the tears come out, you will feel Happy”. Initially I was not convinced but later it gave me a sense of happiness. When I asked my inmate, her reply was “this is what I do…regularly”. Not only my folks, but every human being in this world does. Whenever we get into this kind, may be we need to outlay expensive tears, so that overheads won’t follow (overheads: anger, frustration, ill health etc). But we need to fight for the reason and make sure causes behind it, people behind it and situations behind it. Achieve what you want, finally you may get it. In fact…I would like to share reasons for my tears, but its difficult to type such a long pages…it reminds our excel sheet total number of rows :)
Let the Tears Go…Happiness lets you In.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hope Ropes to Happiness

Does Hope ropes to Happiness?
I hope you are having a good time in reading my views on Happiness…
In fact yesterday I was hopping a Good News from a friend about his job offer. I (we) was quite confident that my friend will crack the interview and restart the life with renewed energy and great enthusiasm. But I got a message from him saying “GOD…NO MERCY”. For a minute…all my hopes collapsed… felt like Tsunami in my heart…not much of damage but few tears with a question WHY?
I am sure…the same question popup in our lives too when things don’t happen in favour of us. Few months back I happened to attend an Interview with a prestigious red coloured bank, I was very hopeful that the Job may come true because of strong reference and ok ok performance in interview. I carried same HOPE to my hometown and just expressed with my parents. Immediately I could see“Surya Tube light” brightness in my father’s face and one sweet smile from my mother. I was overjoyed after seeing them.
Somehow I couldn’t catch the luck this time too. I have to convey the same parents…feeling very uneasy…but no other go. Finally I conveyed this time…I could feel a zero volt light in my father’s face but surprisingly the same cute smile from my mother with a tagline of “don’t Worry…Good is waiting for you”. This has given me enough HOPE and confidence to meet challenges. That day night, I was thinking why one was down with disappointment and other was not. Went little deep into….got the answer. One had in fact virtually depending (living) on HOPE and the other is with HOPE.
Slightly confusing…? Let me explain…
When you wait in Bus stop for a long time….you may feel like to ask lift from the people passing by you. But you never made an attempt to walk to reach to the nearest junction where you can get a connecting mode of transport. Thinking the bus will come….its called LIVING ON HOPE If you would have made an attempt in walking and going to nearest place and catch the bus…you could have reached the destination without much delay. This is called LIVING WITH HOPE. If we LIVE only on HOPE…we may miss the opportunity, but if we LIVE WITH HOPE…certainly we can meet the opportunity along the way.
Be WITH HOPE and Be Happy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is sharing…leads to happiness

Is sharing…leads to happiness??? This reminds me…when I was carrying my lunch box to school. At home I leave hurly burly and even doesn’t know what was inside; by the time lunch bell rings…one of my classmate would have ran away with my lunch box. But still I was managing good lunch by sharing with others. My mother was happy because I would bring empty box back safely. A
You know why both are happy??? A
One feels stomach filled with my (mother’s) recipe and other managed to have yummy recipies of his inmates. The first one shared with full of love, commitment and responsibility and other one is with Joy and fun. This is exactly what you need in life to share with others
I am sure…you would definitely shared similar experience and still would like to playback the same to cheer up in life. Sharing gives you a tremendous confidence, energy to move forward. It enables intimacy between two individuals (sometimes among the groups) and at the same time it alarms when it exceeds the limit. Sharing happiness elevates you to happiest floor and sharing concerns will make you free from the danger. A
Example…initially in my organisation…we used to be alone and keep working on prescribed job activities. Once the leadership changed…we moved physically to first floor…after some time…my tongue started sharing my boss’s tasty Cake, Chocolates…then Apples and other colleague started preparing fantastic Gulab Jamoons, Idly- wadas etc…now I am happy to come to office every day because of them. A
This sharing activity has developed an intimacy among us and our surroundings. This has moved me to speak openly anything under sun and gave me to chance to cheer-up. You may argue with me….by sharing Dosas, Idlys and cakes will not influence character of person. A
Let’s try….today onwards just sit with your colleagues / family / friends with Lunch / Dinner at least 30-40 days without fail…trust me. Things will change. Because while swallowing…you swallow not only recipe but also the feelings you shared with them (vice-versa), one goes to Body and other goes to Mind. If you observe…most of our meetings start with break-fast, end with lunch along with Good news. A
Lot more things want to share with you…but I am scared…where I might bore you sharing in length.
Start Sharing your feelings to whom you love…will bring happiness in your life. Happy Sharing :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Connecting Minds

Global Mindsets – Connecting People: Makes you Happi?
Few days back my father was talking to me on “Global Mindsets” and its implication on Business. It was very interesting but some how I missed the track after some time; then I was disconnected with topic due to his travel to home town.


This morning while I was flipping through paper, I saw a huge ad of NOKIA with tagline of “Connecting People”.


Then it occurred me…what is all about Global Minds and Connecting People? Emily Dickinson said “who has not found the heaven below, will fail of it above. God’s residence is next to mind. His furniture is LOVE.


When I was reading the above quote, the terms like GOD, Heaven, and Mind are sounded me very philosophical. But we always fall in love with Residence (own House) and love to have luxurious furniture in the same Home.


For me…connecting minds is more important than connecting people.


For example….we meet so many people quite often in Train / Flight / Bus journeys. But how many are becoming close associates / family members / stake holders in your decision making? The answer boils down to ‘Hardly anybody or few’.


Let’s take another example…we would have passed through series of levels in our education…where we spent at least a year in any school/college / university….how many are still in touch with us? We would have changed companies likewise…how many are still in touch with us….again answer could be ‘Hardly anybody or few’.
You know why it happens in our lives…because we always try to connect people but fail to connect with their minds. You may say that’s integral process of connecting people. Let’s take a small example….our kids while playing with toy telephone….they imitate (dialing, saying hello…hello…papa/mamma) just like you the way... you speak to your inmates. In this case…he is successful in connecting with his people surrounded by him…but definitely not with MINDS.
In our professional (personal) life…we do meet people quite often but disconnects with them various reasons. There are humpty numbers of reasons. These connections fail due to influence of third party, under estimation, too much of assumption on certain things, some times not accepting the reality, suspicion, ego, lack of confidence, too much of self thinking and misunderstanding the other side of person and his/her MIND.
The following condensers (cables) may require connecting MINDS.
M – Maturity I – Ibility N – Nature (Dic.Meaning: the force that is responsible for physical life and that is sometimes spoken of as a person) D – Deep Thinking S – Suppress Suspicion
All our communication gadgets will certainly help in connecting people. But you need to connect with their MINDS too. Then you may certainly see the changes in behaviour of people. If you disconnected with person…dam sure you will get him/ her back in life…if disconnected with their MIND….you JUST CANT.
So Happy Connecting Minds!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Change is Happy :)

Just few days back there was an Ad on TV… saying “CHANGE is Healthy”, before that I was on shopping spree and happened pick-up a book, the book seller was asking for a CHANGE; after emptying my purse, I could put the book in my basket. Not only ad campaigners, book sellers, bus conductors, also serious management thinkers and practitioners like Jack Welch, also talks about CHANGE. Then it occured what is CHANGE all about…
When I had been to reception lounge…happened to see desktop wallpaper on same theme. It says “if you are not the wave of Change….you will find yourself beneath it” After some thinking... I could conclude that change is Happy – now yow questions pops-up in you mind is ‘HOW’.
When baby born…mother’s milk gives happiness to baby, same baby after one year, the dolls gives happiness, after sometime…same aged friends gives happiness, then Job(s) gives happiness (?); go little forward….spouse gives happiness, again it starts with Baby’s happiness. This is a vicious circle kind of. If you observe…the objects are ‘milk, dolls, friends, job, spouse, and baby’ – but constantly it is CHANGING.
For me, the CHANGE is…
C – Care
H – Humble
A – Affordability
N – Natural
G – Genuine
E – Efficient
Life is like an Ocean, in that every tide we see is not as same as the earlier one. Similar way every problem we look into is not same as other. But we always explode to others saying ‘you don’t understand my problem’ - it means ‘Change has become a Constant here’
Again – HOW?
The wave that touches your feet must have passed through a series of travails facing barriers and blocks to eventuate at your feet to impart a cool touch of happiness.It means…if anybody is coming with problem to you… (Because they already passed so many hurdles and coming to you). You just need to change them with Care, Humanity, Affection, Natural, Genuine and Effective way this method may bring CHANGE not only the person came to you, also brings Change in YOU. That will give you happiness. This may not give synthetic happiness but complete chilled happiness.

Saturday, April 19, 2008



This reminds me when my father leaves to New Delhi by Train to attend a conference, immediately my mother will start burning the flame in kitchen to cook nice chutney powder for sister (B-in-Law too) and some sweet dishes for my nephew. Interesting thing is before burning the flame; there will be a HOT discussion about ‘who will carry all this… going to a conference not for partying’?; She will be silent and will call driver and requesting him to put the packets directly in Train and send a message to daughter that packets are below in Seat No: 45, 2A Coach, please come and collect it.

Now All are Happy!!!

Coming back to our question

Burden – is not at all a burden when you want to make others happy. Simple analogy...when you like somebody, you may tend to do little extra offerings to whom you like, which may be in your office or at home (some times you spend money / time too) . It is because… you have tuned your mind before you start offering the same; the moment you tune your action, it will turn to sense of happiness in your mind. Physically you may have exhausted by then, but you would have had great sense of relaxation.

Life is like a Journey….start loving every station you see….you may not feel tired, finally you may reach destination with more relaxed manner

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Makes You Happy

This question was suddenly stuck when my friend who is an investment strategist in Chennai suddenly threw in air “WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY??? It took hell lot of time for me to think but could not reply back with an answer. Still thinking…..I knew you may also started thinking really what makes happy to us or anybody for that matter!!!
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY When I speak to my parents…I start conversation with HOW ARE YOU???, answer is FINE without any FINE. But as my bill goes up….end up in paying Rs. 60 - 80 per call. All that I do is keep saying DON’T WORRY. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES THEM HAPPY….. When I speak to my sister…. I start conversation with HOW ARE YOU???, answer is ALL WELL, but I realize after few minutes of talk…she is really in well with some problem!!!!, all I say is DON’T WORRY. GOD is there to pull-up. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY…. When I speak to colleague…. The moment step-in….I ask ‘HOW ARE YOU’, answer is I AM FINE, but I knew she just paid FINE to police station because of Husbands rash driving. Might be because of that, that month she may have to sacrifice something from her personal end. All I say is DON’T WORRY. GOD is there to help. Then the question comes in my mind is WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY…. The other day…my other colleague has given an article on “LAW OF THE GARBAGE TRUCK” by David J Pollay, the essence of the article is “When somebody says something….just leave it, if it’s GOOD, keep with you, if its BAD, let the Garbage trucks pass you by”. The bottom line of giving this article I knew….but the question was “IF the Garbage Trucks keep following me, how long can bare the smell”. Don’t I need support of somebody??? question come into my mind is WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY The list goes on like this….ends with DON’T WORRY!!!
Don't Worry, Power of GOOD is always protects you.... So Be GOOD!